10 Best Excel formula to save your time
I am bringing to you some of the most useful formulas and function in the Microsoft Excel. Here is the list of the most helpful Excel formula and function with examples.

What we learn here:
1. What is function and formula in excel?
2. How to create formula OR function in excel?
3. List of the most helpful Excel formula and function with examples.
- SUM() function in excel
- Average function in excel
- If function in excel
- MAX and MIN function in excel
- TRIM function in excel
- Concatenate in excel
- COUNT function in excel
- COUNTIF() Function in excel
- Counta in Excel
- COUNTIFS Function in excel
4. Quiz on function and formula in excel (🏆 Challenge!)
What is function and formula in excel?
We can perform any calculation in excel, using Formulas and Functions.
So, what is Formulas in excel?, Here, is the answer.
A Formula is simply an equation created by a user in Excel.
And Function in excel ???
A Function is a predefined calculation (Function name) in the excel (Spreadsheet).
Function and formula in excel can be used separately or combination of both to solve more complex task in excel.
How to create formula OR function in excel?
In excel you just need to type an equal (=) sign in a cell to create formula. To implement function you need to type equal(=) sign and type predefined calculation (Function name).
Here is the Example of Formula:

Here, is the Examples of a Function:

Hope, You get little bit idea about formula and function.
Hold on, we are jumping on the main topic what you want to learn. I am talking about Excel formula and Excel function. Here we Go to see, How Excel formula can save your time?
List of the most helpful Excel formula and Excel function with examples.
1. SUM() function in excel:
This excel function used to add value of selected cell. The SUM function in excel adds values. You can add individual values, cell ranges or above all together.
=SUM(number1, [number2], …)

=SUM(B2:B8) : This will sums the selected Cell’s values of a column. Here, Selection range is B2:B8.
=SUM(B2:H2) : This will sums the selected Cell’s values of a row. Here, Selection range is B2:H2
=SUM(B2:B8, C9, B2:H2) : SUM with individual cells, or cells Ranges.
To find average using SUM() function in excel:
For example, if you want to find average of 5 different value, then you can find average by using sum() function as given,
2. Average function in excel : =AVERAGE()
The average function in excel will return the average of selected cell’s range. You can use the average function to calculate the average. For example if range B1: B10 includes numbers, then the formula =AVERAGE(B1: B10) will return the average of numbers in selected cell’s range.
Syntax of Average function:
=AVERAGE(number1, [number2], …)
How to use average function in excel ?
Here is the example of average function.

=AVERAGE(B2:B8): Average of the numbers in cells B2 through B8.
=AVERAGE(B2:B8, 10): Average of the numbers in cells B2 through B8 and the number 10.
=AVERAGE(B2:G2) : Average of the numbers in cells A2 through G2.