How to Divide in Excel | Formula For Division in Excel
1 min readApr 1, 2022
Even though Excel does not have a DIVIDE function, users can do the division. Let’s see how you can easily do Division in Excel.
Quick Reading: Division in Excel
- Divide numbers in Excel in a single cell : Open Excel and select the cell, Now enter the equation as =16/6
- Divide numbers in Excel from Multiple cells: Assume you have value in A1 and A2, and to find the division to enter the formula in this way: = A1 / A2
- Divide a Column of Numbers by a Constant Number : Assume you have value in A1. then enter formula this way with constant value in C1 cell = A1 / $C$1
- Divide in Excel using Paste Special: Open Paste Special and select Divide option in it.
- Divide Number using Excel’s QUOTIENT function,: =QUOTIENT (Numerator, Denominator).
Depth Reading about Division in Excel
Here is different Ways of How to Divide in Excel ( with Examples )