PROGRAMMING IN JAVA Assignment 4 | NPTEL | Answer with Explanation
Test Your Java Fundamentals with a Challenging MCQ Assignment on “ Java Encapsulation “ Sharpen your core Java skills with this engaging multiple-choice quiz (MCQ). Designed for beginners, this Assignment 4 assesses your understanding of fundamental Java concepts. Whether you’re new to programming or refreshing your knowledge, this MCQ [Java Encapsulation ] challenge is a perfect way to gauge your progress and identify areas for improvement.

QUESTION 1: Which of the following is the correct statement for creating a package?
a. <package name> package;
b. package <package name>;
c. package;
d. <package name>;View Answer
QUESTION 2: Which of the following source files cannot be included in a package?
a. classes
b. interfaces
c. enumerations
d. data